Rabid Models was started in 2006. At that time foamies were becoming very popular especially for indoor models, and Marc and Steve were enjoying the indoor flying scene. Flat-foam models looked pretty plain and they flew badly – so we started designing our own versions of famous twin-engine warbirds using BlueCore fan-fold foam with airfoils. They looked and flew really great and our friends encouraged us to offer them for sale… so we did! We quickly filled our houses with blue foam and people said we were crazy – Foamin' at the Mouth they said, so…. the rest is history! This hobby is definitely an illness.
You won’t find “common” models in our catalog, we don't have a P-51. Our kits are scale models of unique warbirds, mostly twin-engine. Well, over the years profile model kits have lost popularity, but our models are still available because they (1) fly really well, (2) they are unique, and (3) they are simple and relatively inexpensive. Most of our kits are laser-cut, some are hand-cut. Out kits do require assembly and painting. <faint>
These planes all feature our undercambered wing design. Through a simple bending process an airfoil is formed – and airfoils perform much better than flat wings! Undercambered airfoils are high-lift/high-drag and are meant for slow-speed flying. Our models are lightweight and don’t need big motors. They fly really well, and realistically, not super-fast – in a scale manner! They are all designed as close to scale as possible and they look great in the air. For best results, build them as designed! We are all about LIGHTWEIGHT airplanes.
Our models are all designed with a lightweight “pull-pull” control system. (included with the kit) Its very easy to install and you don’t need pushrods and clevises. CLICK HERE for a short demo video showing how we do it.
WHY do we use 6mm “BlueCore” foam – fan-fold insulation with a plastic film on both sides? Its actually very easy to work with, its light and strong, and its easy to bend into an airfoil. Bluecore has pinholes and some waviness which is simply the nature of the product, but its not noticeable from 2 feet away. Depron is much harder to bend and is expensive. DTF is heavy – you can remove the paper and then it has no strength at all. EPP is too floppy. Buecore is "just right".
The thing about RabidModels kits is that they're produced with an extremely detailed manual (in English, written by an English speaker) that illustrates each step with large pictures! LOTS of pictures! The manuals were originally supplied on a CD with the kits but are now offered as a free download for our customers. No paper – the idea is that you can use a laptop or “Eye-pad” to display the manual while building the kit. With electronic files we can efficiently provide many other useful things as well, such as files for printing paper decals, additional instructions, notes, pictures, videos, and so on.
The manuals are LOONG but our kits aren’t difficult to construct! Have you ever purchased a kit that had a one-page instruction sheet written in “Chinglish” with 1-inch blurry pictures? Yeah, we’re basically the opposite of that. The foam only costs a few bucks… our manuals are worth about $1000 in terms of the time it took to make them!
Most of our planes are “twins” and most are offered in two sizes. (1) the smaller size models all have the same 28″ wingspan and were originally designed for the inexpensive brushed “IPS” motor with 3″ or 4″ props. (2) The larger models are scaled to the 3-bladed 9×7 propeller and use the famous “Blue Wonder” 1300kV brushless motor. (3) Over time we have developed some other multi-engine planes that are designed specifically for a 10-gm brushless motor, these are scaled to the 5″ 3-bladed props, such as the C47 and the 4-engine bombers. The 28″-size models can also use this motor. AND FINALLY (4) – we have a few planes that don’t fit in these categories (jets and others)!
We do a good business with adhesive products, but you'll only see a fw of them on this website (the ones for kit-building). We have hundreds of different glue products for sale on EBAY – CLICK HERE TO VISIT the ebay Rabid Models store!
Besides the airplane kits, we also many of the accessories for our kits such as the motors, props, carbon fiber, and custom products such as 3D-printed spinners and other accessories (but not the RC gear or batteries). We’re in the process of adding many new items to the website.
Recently we've been partnering with Derek Micko and "Fun Scale Models to produce 3D-printed spinners and accessories. FSM planes are lightweight and use the same motors that Rabid Models has. We have a number of accessories specifically for small and lightweight models. We also have some tools devised by Pat Tritle. These products have been featured in Model Aviation magazine and on RCGroups.
WHERE ARE WE? We are located in NE Ohio USA in the Cleveland-Akron area. We fly the planes that we sell, at the secret Rabid Models test facility in Bainbridge. With a grass runway! Visible from SPAAACE!

Every one of our airplane kits are designed and manufactured by us, packaged by us, and shipped by us. Virtually all the adhesive products are made in the USA as well. We do not have a “brick and mortar” store, we are a 100% on-line business. We are proud members of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and Marc is the president of a local flying club. No, not that one.
CLICK HERE to see our “DISCLAIMER” page. Yes it is "for real". Seriously. Ha Ha. Our "lawyers" said so. As far as you know.
UPDATE JAN 2025 - The new and improved Rabid Models website went live around Jan 1. Some of the items may be missing pictures but we are working to update everything. Rabid Models has a Facebook page as well. As far as we know, that's working.
You've reached the end. We would like to point out that none of our products have any mind-control microchips inside them (they're not edible.) As far as we know, we don't have Rabies or any other diseases right now but our advice is that you should keep your distance anyway. “There is a fine line between having a hobby and a mental illness” and "Foamin' at the Mouth" are our trademarks. We have hats. And a LOT of foam, everywhere.